Mitochondria are the motors in the body that produce ATP. ATP is the fuel that cells use to thrive. A current theory on aging suggests that as we age, the mitochondria become damaged by free radicals and toxicity. RED LIGHT THERAPY, has been shown in research too slow, halt and even reverse Mitochondrial Dysfunction and improve production of ATP.
A whole body RED Light Therapy Bed delivers photons of different wavelengths throughout the body. The action of improving mitochondrial function improves cellular energy and slows cell death. Improving cellular health and longevity is considered a key factor in aging. The benefits cascade to create improvements in cognition, wellness, performance and aesthetics.
Aging, might be defined as the accumulation of mitochondrial dysfunction over time. Think of it like a 4 cylinder motor in a car with 250,000 miles. The motor is wearing out. The fuel lines, fuel injectors, fuel pump and spark plugs that convert gasoline into energy clog and the motor stops functioning.
Mitochondrial dysfunction is thought to be caused by environmental, oxidative stress and food based toxicity that blocks production of ATP. This loss of energy starves the cells, increasing the rate of cell death (aptosis). The cellular damage cascades down into the tissues, organs and systems of the body.
As the motors that power the cells become damaged and die, so do the tissues organs and systems. Mobility is damaged as the muscle cells begin to lose their function and resilience and connective tissues weaken. Eventually chronic inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction show up as disease. Skin-tone may be the first sign of aging. PBM’s energetic triggering has been shown to both thicken and tighten the skin and thus reduce wrinkles. It is shown in numerous studies to both accelerate healing of neuromuscular injuries and actually increase neuromuscular performance in elite athletes.